Your current and prospective customers can get the facts about your organization anywhere. But you can show off your personality on social media, which also offers a great way to have meaningful conversations and connect with new customers.
Flint Group social media experts are skilled in strategy, monitoring, reporting and implementing tactics that drive measurable results. Here are some recent examples:
Videos to educate and build confidence
Strategically timed image to announce return of service
Link and image to promote an event
Timely scheduled tweets to promote event
Instagram posts, tweets and retweets to build brands
Paid social ads for new offering
How do we do this?
It starts with a social media plan. Tied in to your business goals, we create plans that include:
- Message development
- Competitive benchmarking
- Social media audits
- Goal, objective and KPI planning
- Persona development
- Editorial planning and tracking
- Content creation and production, from quick updates to video, infographics and other compelling content
- Blog writing training
- Distribution
- Analytics
- Daily monitoring
- Keyword and hashtag research
- Conversation monitoring
- Lead generation
- Results tracking and reporting
We integrate paid social media and search engine marketing campaigns that work with your earned and owned marketing efforts, such as:
- Campaign strategy
- Facebook ads
- Google AdWords
- Display advertising
- Remarketing
- Dynamic retargeting
- Keyword strategy
- Reporting
What’s next?
How can you amplify your organization’s social media? Contact us at socialteam@flint-group.com!