
Duluth Airport’s secret to a fantastic going-away party: paper plane invites


We’ve been working with the Duluth International Airport for a while now, and we’re proud to partner with an organization that’s taking big steps to help our region thrive.


When the airport approached our Duluth office to help celebrate its former executive director’s contributions to our community, we jumped at the opportunity.

From the cockpit

Brian Ryks

Brian Ryks led the airport for almost 11 years and was integral in establishing Duluth as a viable aviation hub.

Not only did he help increase airline competition and significantly reduce airfare, but he also played a large role in securing funding for the airport’s new, $77-million terminal, slated for completion early next year.

In our eyes, this was worth something extra special.

Preparing for departure

A farewell party was planned to applaud Brian’s accomplishments, thank him for all he’s done for our region, and wish him well on his next adventure at Michigan’s Gerald R. Ford International Airport. Our role: Create a fun and casual, yet classy, invite.

A creative take off

Since Brian helped build our region’s transportation industry, our creative team decided to commemorate him by sending invitees something they could build. Brian likes airplanes, so we thought, “What better way to honor him than with his own private flier?”

Duluth Airport Invite 1

Duluth Airport Invite 2

Duluth Airport Invite 3

Duluth Airport Invite 4

The invite is not only an abstract reflection of the building Brian did in our region, but it’s also interactive and less likely to land in the trash.

Duluth Airport Invite 5

Duluth Airport Invite 6

Duluth Airport Invite 7

A smooth arrival

The client loved the invites, so much so that they also used them as decoration at the event.

Duluth Airport paper plane invite

John Eagleton, a Duluth Airport Authority board member, holds up one of the paper planes while giving a speech about Brian.

We join our friends at the airport in wishing Brian a smooth landing in Michigan.

Ericka Olin

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