At Flint Group, we don’t take a huge stock in awards. But we have to admit, it’s always great to see our clients in the spotlight. And having our creative recognized by industry peers never hurts, either.
Over the past couple months, Flint Group agencies participated in the American Advertising Federation (AAF) ADDY® Awards, the world’s largest advertising competition.
The annual ADDYs begin with local competitions, where more than 200 AAF member clubs judge 50,000-plus entries. Each Flint Group office participated in its local ADDY competition, vying for recognition as the best in its market: Flint Communications and SimmonsFlint entered client work into the AAF-North Dakota ADDYs, WestmorelandFlint and Flint Interactive in the AAF Duluth/Superior ADDYs, and HatlingFlint in the AdFed of Central Minnesota ADDYs.
As a whole, Flint Group won 49 ADDYs, including 19 gold, 25 silver, one Best of Show, one Judge’s Choice and three Judge’s Row. The gold winners will move on to district competitions for the chance to compete at the national ADDYs.
Flint Group gold ADDY winners:
West Acres Shopping Center, for its “Live. Love. Give” social media campaign, Feel Fabulous TV campaign, and 40th anniversary promotion Passport to Style
North Dakota State University, for its Bison Game Day App
Northarvest Bean Growers Association, for its brochure, “Delivering World-Class Beans from the Heartland of America”
Moorhead High School, for its poster for the production of To Kill a Mockingbird
North Dakota University System (NDSU), for its two Your Next Step TV spots. Watch one of the spots below, and check out the adorable outtakes
Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, for its integrated wellness campaign Recess Yes
American Crystal Sugar Company, for its annual report photography and Make it Outstanding annual meeting film (both done by Media Productions, a division of Flint Group)
The Labovitz School of Business and Economics, for its 2012 holiday card (also won Judge’s Row)
WestmorelandFlint, for Text-A-Sketch, a Pictionary-style, in-game hockey promotion to generate awareness of and engage fans in its brand
Minnesota Forest Industries, for its Trees of Minnesota Smart Board app (also won Best of Show and Judge’s Row)
St. Cloud State University, for its two You’ll Make A Difference TV spots
St. Cloud Hospital Children’s Center, for its digital campaign and three We Only See Kids videos
Greater St. Cloud Development Corporation, for its Cause for Celebration invitation (also won Judge’s Choice)
Alberta Beef Producers, for its Famous Taste microsite (also won Judge’s Row)
We’re looking forward to representing and showcasing Flint Group clients at the upcoming district competitions. We’ll keep you updated throughout the process – as long as you promise to send us positive, ADDY-winning vibes.
In the meantime, you can view a full list of ADDY winners from our agencies’ local markets: