
Here’s our blog

Behind the scenes at Flint Group: How we create impactful campaigns for our manufacturing dealers

By Emily Barvels

When I started at Flint Group, I noticed right away how different they were from any… Read More

Unpaid promotions: How volunteering can boost your leadership skills

By Kaia Watkins

When I started working at Flint Group back in 2006, I had no idea that my… Read More

The secret sauce for long-term success: The PESO model’s role in deepening client-agency relationships and nurturing trust.

By Carlos Ocampo

In today’s competitive business landscape, building TRUST between clients and agencies is paramount. The PESO model… Read More

Authentic influencer-driven PR campaigns: A guide for social media directors 

By Madison Quamme

We’re living in a digital age, and the landscape of public relations has evolved dramatically. Traditional… Read More

Advertising in an Election Year 

By Mariah Madsen

Elections are an important part of our democracy; however, as marketers they can sometimes pose challenges.… Read More

‘Managing Up’ in the Workplace: 5 Tips for Young Professionals

By Jordan Nelson

I first heard the phrase “Managing Up” as a very eager senior in college at a… Read More

Building bonds, boosting productivity: The power of workplace friendships

By Calista Liapis

Interpersonal relationships are a key aspect of any successful business. For any agency, client relationships are… Read More

From shopper to seller: How to launch your own Amazon e-commerce business

By Arturo Saavedra

Did you just order another item from Amazon? That’s the fourth order this month alone. Imagine… Read More

Unlocking the power of PTO: Embracing time off and rejecting ‘quiet vacationing’

By Danielle Woodard

In recent months, a new trend known as “quiet vacationing” has emerged. This phenomenon, where employees… Read More

Cause Marketing: Grab your partner, do-si-do

By Ken Zakovich

In my last post, we discussed weaving your values with your position in the marketplace and… Read More

Rise Above the Noise: Tell a Unique Brand Story

By Ken Zakovich

Ever asked yourself one of these questions? How do we stand out in the marketplace? How… Read More