
Three social media truths to embrace right now


Doesn’t it feel good to turn the page on 2017? I, for one, am ready to put 2017 behind me and am excited for the possibilities of new beginnings and fresh starts that come along with the beginning of a new year. 2017 was rough for so many reasons, and it is exhilarating to make plans and resolutions with the clean slate that is 2018.

Along with personal growth, 2018 brings many exciting possibilities in the world of social media. Everyone is making predictions, watch lists and trend reports for what 2018 will bring. Will Twitter die? What will be the impact of repealing net neutrality? Will my kids get sick of making silly faces using the filters on Snapchat? Doubtful on that last one, but a girl can dream, right?


Here are a few of my thoughts on what 2018 will bring:

  1. Organic reach is on life support. Long gone are the days of posting really great, useful content on social spaces and knowing that people will actually see it. Algorithm tweaks and focus on user experience and engagement will require companies to think differently. Thinking differently most certainly will include paying to ensure people see your content.
  2. The continued rise of ephemeral content. Ephemeral, by definition, means “lasting for a very short time.” This type of content has seen a surge in popularity thanks to the likes of Snapchat and Instagram stories, where content is only available for 24 hours. In 2018, it will continue to grow as marketers see greater engagement, yet users consuming this type of content want it to be authentic and not too salesy, so it is a fine line for marketers to walk.
  3. Video continues to be king. In 2017, we certainly saw a rise in video – not only users consuming it but also engaging with it. Marketers took notice and many companies had video as part of their strategies. In 2018, video will again dominate, and we will see a surge in live video. Live video gives brands an opportunity to engage consumers in a genuine and authentic way that helps build trust and brand loyalty. One thing to remember: As video becomes more popular, users’ attention spans become shorter!


In 2018, I think we can expect to see major changes on many platforms to enhance user experience and appeal to the younger population. Influencer marketing will continue to be important, and most social experts are saying that augmented reality will finally come into its own. Buckle up, it’s going to be a wild ride!


Need a guide? Be sure to follow us on social media, where we regularly post social media updates, tips and tricks you can start using right away. Plus, our team is always ready to chat about your social media and how to refresh it to take full advantage of trends and truths. Just contact us. Cheers!

Mariah Mariah

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