
What happens when Flint Group eats waffles


A few weeks ago, our Duluth office had a staff meeting and ate waffles.

Strategic pouring

Strategic pouring.

Flint Group eating waffles

It was fun. And delicious.

We also talked about our agency’s core values (turns out the waffles were just a bribe). Everyone was asked to bring pictures, objects or quotes that represent what those values mean to them.

After the meeting, we asked the creative team to come up with a way to incorporate everyone’s ideas into our office space. What did they come up with? Office graffiti, of course.

One of our designers, Matthew Olin, painted a permanent chalkboard.

A focused painter

A focused painter.

Craving more waffles

Craving more waffles.

Then, Alan Josephson created the first message: a quote that inspires our team to live by our agency’s values.

Flint Group Chalkboard

A couple weeks later, Matthew Olin refreshed the board with a new message and design.

Matthew Olin - chalkboard

Excellence 3_July 30_Matthew

Our design team will change it every few weeks, so stay tuned to our Facebook page for more office graffiti.

In the meantime, send us waffles for creative fuel. Please and thank you.

Ericka Olin

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