Bloom where you’re planted. That advice has served Fargo’s Shotwell Floral very well for decades.
The real secret? Expert staff members.
This family-owned and operated floral shop, gardening center and home decorating store has staff members who provide personalized:
– Advice on how to arrange a bouquet of flowers
– Guidance on what to plant where in beds, baskets and yards
– Gardening advice
– Tips on home decorating and gift giving
As part of Shotwell Floral’s ongoing “A Little Brighter” campaign, our Fargo office recently created a new TV commercial to highlight these floral experts.
Staff members are also featured on Shotwell Floral’s Facebook page.
The overarching “A Little Brighter” campaign also includes radio commercials, print ads, Facebook messaging and email newsletters. All to keep Shotwell Floral blooming where it’s planted!