
Giving + Receiving Feedback


Feedback. Whether we’re giving feedback or receiving it, feedback can be hard. So how can we make it easier and less uncomfortable in the workplace? Research shows that Millennials crave continuous feedback, however, sometimes feedback can be really hard to swallow. Investing in continuous feedback for your young professionals will help keep your Millennial audience engaged and loyal to your company.


1. Have empathy.

Understanding that giving feedback can be just as difficult as receiving it makes the transaction much smoother. If you are the one receiving constructive criticism, remember that feedback is meant to better you as an employee and is not a personal attack. Take each piece of advice you receive from your supervisor, digest it, and use it to improve. If you are giving feedback, focus on your delivery and always structure it in a way that leaves your employees leaving feeling motivated supported.


2. Be specific.

Sometimes these conversations can be difficult, but they are made even more difficult if the employee walks away feeling confused or unclear on what exactly the feedback was. Be clear, concise, and get to the point. When the conversation ends, both parties should feel like they have definitive actions to take moving forward.


3. Focus on behavior, not the person.

Keep the conversation professional and focused on behaviors while staying away from personal jabs. Remember, feedback is good. If you are receiving feedback, it means that your manager wants to see you succeed and improve. There is no harm in having tough conversations to better your professional self.

Chelsey Stoa

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