One of our values at Flint Group is “love what you do.” Happy employees mean better work and, ultimately, happier clients. That’s why we see job interviews as a two-way street: We want to find out if you’re the right candidate for us, but we also want YOU to make sure Flint is the right choice for your career.
Where you work is a huge part of your life, and we want to provide the best possible work experience.
Now about landing that job… check out these five tips for a successful interview:
Be yourself!
We want to get to know who each candidate really is, not who they think we want them to be.
Be prepared to ask questions.
Asking questions shows us that the candidate is truly interested in a career with us and not just using us as a bullet point on their resume or a steppingstone to the next big thing.
Do a little research on Flint Group.
If you’re selected for a position, you’ll be spending a good chunk of time with us, and we want to make sure we’re the right fit for you.
Pause if you’re unsure how to answer a question.
I’d rather the candidates be confident in their answers instead of trying to answer quickly. We appreciate thoughtful answers.
Don’t be afraid to follow up.
Just because the interview is over doesn’t mean the conversation needs to stop. If you have questions or forgot to provide some information, email the HR director or interviewer.
Looking for your next career move? Check out our open positions here.