
How to recruit Generation Z employees

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What about Gen Z?

By now we’ve all been flooded with messages on millennials and how to cater to the millennial generation, but hot on their heels, here comes Generation Z. So, what do we need to know about this new generation entering the work force? And do we now need to change everything again? The simple answer: no – but read on to see what employers can improve on to better attract this new generation.


No more job-hopping

This may be the biggest relief to employers, considering Gen Z’s predecessors are well known for their job-hopping ways. Gen Z grew up watching their parents and older siblings struggle through the recession and not being able to find good paying jobs while also dealing with piles of student loan debt. From this, they learned to seek out jobs that offer stability.

What it means for employers: Start focusing more on areas for growth within the company and benefits like health care, and focus less on ping pong tables.


A generation raised “online”

Gen Z was born between 1997-2002, which means technology has pretty much always been available to them in some capacity. They are the first generation to see the internet as a form of entertainment, rather than a tool for research, and they expect that technology will continue to interact with them and become more and more customized to their habits. Gen Z continues to blur the lines between the digital and physical world, which will keep us marketers on our toes as we try to figure out the best way to capture their attention.

What this means for employers: Don’t hide behind the table at a job recruitment fair – find ways to reach Gen Z online. Bonus points if you can reach them online and entertain them at the same time!


Instant gratification

Probably due to always having the internet at their fingertips, and other modern conveniences like fast food, Gen Z also expects to see instant gratification in the workplace. A recent study shows 75% of Gen Z expect to see their first promotion within the first year of employment and 32% believe that a promotion should come within the first six months. At the same time, they say they are more willing to put in more hours in order to achieve these goals. And some studies even show that they will do all this while getting paid less as long as they are passionate about their job.

What this means for employers: Find a structured way to move Gen Z hires up the ladder quickly, even if these are small jumps that don’t always include a pay bump.

So no, you don’t need to overhaul everything in your company to attract this new generation, but small tweaks may bring in your next best employee. And who knows, other generations could benefit from these changes as well.


Stay tuned for quarterly updates from our Young Professionals Committee!


Our positions are always open to any generation. See what’s available!

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Kira Sornsin

With almost 10 years of agency experience, Kira Sornsin has immersed herself in bettering the culture for both Flint Group and her clients. As an account manager, primarily in manufacturing, Kira prides herself in pulling all the pieces together. Her organizational skills and future-focused outlook help her keep projects on task while foreseeing any anticipated needs. Kira goes above and beyond to become an extension of her clients’ businesses and views their success as her own. In addition to her client duties, Kira leads the Flint Group Young Professionals Committee. Energized by research of Millennials and Gen Z, Kira digs into the psychology of employees and what makes individuals tick. Her commitment and passion for office culture and individual growth has led to countless changes to better the workplace and create an environment that benefits all.

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